All freelancers with an independent activity registered and exempt for VAT under Article 53 of the CIVA Act, have until the 31st January 2022 to communicate with the tax...
New Procedures to request tax residency certificates as from 1st January 2022 have been announced by the AT. The Tax and Customs Authority (AT) simplified the procedure for the...
Did you know by registering at and downloading the App on your smartphone you will be able to utilize the IVA (VAT) that you spent during the months...
The deadline to verify and allocate your purchases for the tax year ended 31st December 2020 is the 25th February 2021. This will ensure that you are granted the...
What is a cryptocurrency? – As defined by the Oxford Dictionary it is a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records are maintained by a decentralized system...
As a result of the Brexit agreement British Nationals who have activities and property in Portugal and are not tax resident in Portugal have six months from the 1st... Lisbon, the Portuguese capital; up-and-coming Porto, the country’s second-largest city; and beautiful Cascais in the heart of the Portuguese Riviera are now the hotspots for South Africans investing...